duminică, 2 aprilie 2017


Long time i was not feeling so powerful vibration Zamolxe. It wasn't just his unique energy and a somewhat oppressive, but not that kind of psychic weight but rather a reminder that follows me to convey an important message. At such times I feel, and I know that least pressured because I have to be as open, balanced and detached, in order to receive more details. If anyone-I mean the people, would have sufficient openness and inner balance, could receive the equivalent of thousands of pages in just a few seconds.
On the other hand, I felt how Zamolxe has prepared, and prepare, a few hundred people to become "channels". These people, of all ages and categories, will be ready to receive (and provide other) energies, information and even vibrations, i.e. Special States in 2002!
Unlike previous meetings, Zamolxe vibration feeling much stronger now, like a shiver, a stream of light penetrate my being a sharp throughout. Before, when you wanted to convey information by me, Alexander I appear as a blue flash and a special feeling, a kind of emotional heat, power and an odor of old, hard-to-transcribed into words.
Remer Ra: glad you reunited. I was missing you, the warmth and therefore unique sensation, of eternity, that you feel when you're around me. I know that an important message. Weight and feel them somehow that makes me feel the least embarrassed.
Zamolxe: you don't have to feel embarrassed. You'll convey what needs to broadcast!
(there was a brief period of "openness" and infusion which had meant to me calibrate)
This message is for all those who have ancestral soul flame, for all those who came to this earth with the mission-to add heart near the heart, light near the light, going around going, in addition to the power! The coming year will be one with power! Will be the year when the ancient nation at will wake up! Will be the year when the Bugle will sound awakening and Assembly! Will be the year when "triangles" will activate and will summon the masters! Will be the year of awakening and awareness of your power!
I know that now you don't is easy! I know that is not a nice period, I know that sometimes you want to forget all your mission, but she will not leave you until you do what you need to do. To be worthy of your work, you need to be clean in body, mind and soul! Purification of this period is required, otherwise your treasures I can not escape to the surface!
Remer Ra: these triangles, perhaps you mean the ones made up of some mountains. From information decoded from the archive of light from Sarmizegetusa Regia I understood that these were places where lived kapnobatai (term used by the Greeks to call them hermits and healers Gauls; some have translated the term as "walkers on clouds"). It is true that these " walkers to clouds" had such a space?
Zamolxe: Information left by historians had a core of the Greeks not only walkers clouds had his own triangle of power but also the founders of cities and those of the nation. You could not become a fund-raiser for the town or nation if it doesn't sound right you light and power from such a place.

(Before you proceed with the transmission, I'd like to clear up some aspects concerning the ancient Dacians, initiate the Greeks called kapnobatai, polistai and ktistai. First, it must be stressed that they were not priests as it is believed by historians but also people who had certain missions in life.
Kapnobataii, or "those who walk in the clouds" represented the first grade! They were the equivalent of today hermits, except that they were not restricted by any kind of religious doctrine, even philosophical. The kapnobatai take between 3 and 4 years and involve the transformation of body, mind and soul, to become a conduit between Heaven and Geea, in order to help people. You were both doctors and body as well as soul you could help and to initiate, develop and refine various potentions of men. About her stated wrongly that they were thrown in 3 spears to be slaughtered in Zamolxe. The 3 spears are actually three mountains, and his death is one token, just as a monk of today "dies" for people and is "resurrected" with Christ and receives another name. The Carpathian arch has several hundred such "three spears", meaning "space power". Kapnobataii lived almost exclusively within the perimeter formed by these three mountains. There, so the connection with Geea and the Sky was extremely powerful and kapnobatai access to information and extraordinary energy.
Polistaii were so-called "founders of cities". Their role was to cure cities dominated by lawlessness, lethargy and moral misery and to instill certain directions for action and development. This was done not through weapons but through a special job that involves art and science to transform the mind and soul. Polistai represented the second grade and was supposed to have been at least seven years "walker clouds" to "become a fund-raiser for the town". Such a polistai could even decide whether the community has dispersed, the chances of recovery were null and void. Polistai to determine the occurrence of other communities, making use of its ability to attract the minds and souls of men. Polistainot work in sight! Nobody suspected who heal, harmonize and pushing the shadow community!
Ktistaii were so-called "founders of the country". Their role was unite communities, to instill ideals and common directions, create cohesion and a specific vision of the future. They could work on both the subtle structures of men and those of the communities, i.e. egregorii. Preparing a ktistai could take between 14 and 49 years.
The highest class of open were "estates". They oversee the harmony between heaven and Earth. I have not received more data about them, only that they could attain the age of 400 or even 500 years. In a transmission i've "seen" as having the flesh apparently frail, silvery-white hair, smooth skin as a child. Estates were more watching, custodians of harmony. They were preparing a rule 2/kistai training and maximum seven overcharged/polistai control. The communities were isolated, living in both the areas of mountain and lowland areas. Very rarely were seen in a community, and then were observed in the company of children to detect potential "candidates" to the title of ktistai, polistai and kapnobatai.)

Remer Ra: you were saying that these triangles of power they will summon the masters? What is going to happen?
Zamolxe: those who in the past were healers and watching, founders of cities or the nation will feel a strong attraction towards the mountains. At some point, they will place special visa, which in the past offered them food (I think it was referred to the place energy-n.a.), light, wisdom, and power. After him, they won't be visa alone until you fall. When the mind and soul are quiet, the heart will guide him to the place.
Remer Ra: If we could find that place, maybe it would help you a lot, maybe that could speed up the purification process!
Zamolxe: Love joins love, pureness purity joins! You can't get there unless you have found peace of mind and soul. When ready, they will show you your place in the dream! Will know that it is their place, and up to the time of retrieval will not take a long time.
Remer Ra: I know and feel that they are a few dozen kapnobatai întrupați. Is it true?
Zamolxe: Yes, their numbers approaching two hundred but few of them I suspect that. Most are still young but their awakening is at hand.
Remer: can say how many of the second and third grade are incarnated, the kapnobatai and ktistai?
Zamolxe: but there Are few that counts but the fact that awareness are what they are. Will come and the time.

will continue(translated with bing)

Source: http://remerra.blogspot.ro/2014/11/zamolxe.html

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