marți, 1 martie 2022

Prophet Elpidie's prophecy about the last three kingdoms of the world

Father Elpidie's prophecy about the last three kingdoms of the world: These three kingdoms will be: The Bear Kingdom (Russia), The Dragon Kingdom (China), The Serpent Kingdom (Antichrist) I warn you about Satan's evil plans, which he will bring darkness and wreak havoc on mankind until the arrival of the false satanic Messiah. I urge everyone to practice the intense prayer of the heart, as the only proven solution in heaven, to weaken or even nullify many possibilities and effects of the executors of Lucifer's decisions, which intend to destroy the world. The whole of mankind before it is time to see the "abomination of desolation" will go through three phases of the last three great kingdoms. They will be short but unique in their destructive power and implementation. These three kingdoms will be: Bear Kingdom (Russia), Dragon Kingdom (China), Snake Kingdom (Antichrist, False Messiah). The Bear Kingdom - which will be ruled by Russia and will be followed by strong states, with great success in the economy and the army, will try to change borders worldwide, through wars or diplomatic mergers. The conflicts artistically realized and programmed by the great powers, through the perceptive diplomacy of the European Union and America, will push some states to clash for dubious problems with disastrous result, which will favor the appearance on the world stage of the Bear Kingdom (Russia). In spectacular response, Russia will see this nonsense of heads of state, convinced by those who are supposed to be allies but cunning, and will use it for its own projects. The total destruction of the surrounding nations will follow. Then there are the fact that some states will disappear from the map. Let the northern states not rest from apparent economic prosperity and neutral relations in the already projected war. The folly of the leaders of the countries will be the cause of their destruction. A surprising disaster of great magnitude will create terror and fear worldwide and will appear in the next stage. Members of the North, Finland, Norway, Sweden, you have left your heart to leave the true God, whom you honor only with your lips, and you have remained spiritually unmoved. Let the parental embrace and love of God cover you with Satan who hates you and wants to hurt you. If you return to the benevolent heart of God with compassion and true repentance, you will have nothing to fear. If you have neglected and ridiculed His divine calling and want to expose yourself to the wiles of Satan, then you will soon see what a bad choice you have made and how humble you will be. The Bear Kingdom is ready to crush you. Some of you - irreparable. Ukraine, do you not see how the multitude of your saints bear holy witness, weep and pray for you? Do you question the true faith, leaving a hypocritical layman of the Frankish dynasty to divide you? The Orthodox faith, the holy life of the martyrs and the pious have blessed your land, and now a real enemy of every human being has come upon you, who wants to hurt you fatally. If you could see your saints begging for God's mercy (for you), you would kneel with them and pray with repentance and humility for your salvation. (I stop to think how many will receive this message, and the chain of prayer will increase and prevent the greatest evil). The bad news is that it will be an act of destruction in another state close to Russia, because of the selfishness and arrogance of the leaders. Georgia is a troubled state. It's like a mouse that wants to fight the bear. Think of truth and wisdom. You can't cry for a state that creates its own problems. Those who want to oppose the Bear and its cause will be sorry for them. Woe to those who dare to say something to him, because then they will lose their existence. This is another state that will disappear from the map. The power of the Bear will peak so much that fear and terror around the world will increase. And Persia (Iran) will suffer after Turkey first disintegrates in a unique and pathetic way. Dragon Kingdom - The Devil King will be the leader of this kingdom in China. A faithful ally in principle with Russia, he will exploit the relationship with it and gain too much in these stages, and will rise to the level of great power in the future. China will take advantage of Japan's incurable wounds to establish step by step military future dominance throughout the region. He will not hesitate to betray his friendship with Russia and to contribute to the upward and destructive spiral. Until then, however, he will secretly hide his intentions and cleverly exploit his friendly embrace of Russia. China is now spreading almost everywhere, almost everywhere in the world. It started with the economy as a first step, flooding the world with goods, in order to reach the world military field with the Bear. When this is done, it will not take long for them to manifest their own expansionist ambitions. Absolute fear and anxiety will reign in the world. In a divided and destroyed world, it will hotly impose atheistic steel beliefs, which require absolute obedience and implementation. The red dragon's hot breath will be felt in both Europe and America. They will suffer greatly. As a result, she will be conquered with a terrible communist methodology and will make people moan and suffer. Christians will experience the worst persecution of the evil dragon; the role of this kingdom, I could in one word describe it as a nightmare. Woe to those whose lives are not inclined to the divine heart of our sweet Lord Jesus Christ. Humans will behave like robots after dictation and state mandates and will have no more rights than pets. Life and death will have no value to man. This will be the satanic ideology of this kingdom. These two kingdoms (Bear and Dragon) will be almost simultaneous, but will cause major upheavals worldwide. They will stigmatize their presence by reacting nuclear. Peace will disappear, plague and famine will bring great misery worldwide. The Kingdom of the Serpent - The last kingdom in human history will make known to us the "abomination of desolation." Satan, with the same poison of illusion, will use man, the beautiful creation of God, to destroy the leaders of the nations whom he has raised to power, after which all mankind will be subdued under the son of darkness, under the antichrist. The reign of this serpent will be unique in the history of human life. All the kingdoms of the world have hitherto wished to subdue the earth, the material part of man. The Kingdom of the Serpent, however, will attack and will want to subdue both the soul and the body of man. And matter, and spirit. Therefore, the methods used for this purpose will be unique in their own way, with the most perfect power of technology and nanotechnology. The antichrist leader will have the power and authority to physically and mentally control every human being. It will convince all people, those who have survived the experiences of war and nightmare in all the states of the world and have lived terribly the agony of survival due to lack of food and water, that he is only a prince of peace, the "true Messiah," will force him to accept him willingly as the only king in the world. This will happen when it causes everyone to accept the chip with the code numbers. With this ultra-nanotechnology chip you will be able to see and control the crowd almost entirely. For the third and last leader of the kingdoms it was prophesied that he would be the son of darkness. Everything around us is ready and the prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled. Mankind, exhausted by the plague, famine and war, will find it impossible to resist. Taking the truth out of the gospel (changing the original Bible text) will lead to swift action to embrace this leader and hasten the Last Judgment. The new global government will become stronger and more obviously imprinted in the consciousness of all mankind. Even wars against him will be used fraudulently and cunningly. The darkness that surrounds the light of conscience does not allow people to easily see what is approaching, and the human soul is irreparably wounded. Even people who are supposed to be spiritual speak only reassuringly (about these events), disregarding the true spiritual Fathers (the prophecies and precepts of the Holy Fathers and other great Fathers of the Church), who have the role of awakening. The current period is one of the most dramatic in humanity. The appearance of the son of darkness, of the antichrist, is imminent. Field puppets around the world, as well as leaders of nations, are constantly working for the coming of the antichrist. Through all kinds of strategies, through the media, we are working on the preparation and global awareness of the need for the coming of the antichrist (for the antichrist to be accepted by all). Even wars against kingdoms will be used for global domination. The only way for Christians to resist our weapons is the Mysteries of our Church. The mystery of confession is our shield. The prayer of the heart, with full confidence in God - our power. The Eucharist (Communion) - the final antidote to evil psychosomatic interventions. May the power of our prayer chain increase. Let's turn it into a global prayer chain. Let us make strong spiritual bases with our prayers, which will terrify and discourage the works of darkness. The prayers of God's faithful children can be a factor in mitigating or eliminating the consequences of global military events. Our souls and hearts can be relied upon with complete trust in God (as infants in the arms of our Heavenly Father). The love and mercy of the true Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, is so great and endless that we need not fear that we will not receive it. We believe in His Sacrifice and the grace of the Holy Spirit that surrounds us with bright light, and that will drive away the darkness from our souls, will clothe us with life power. Blessed are those who, in the spiritual deception that will dominate the world, will more and more believe in our sweet Jesus Christ and confess to Him that He is indeed, “the Way, the Truth, and the Life. "The fear that they will not have peace and will suffer from hunger will dominate the people. But above all, none of us should forget that from this passing life we ​​will go to our real home - in heaven, because there is the Kingdom of Heaven, made by God for us. And now, friends and brethren, let us unite with absolute confidence in God and our King, for the holy work of prayer, that we may weaken the work of Satan. God always listens to His children who do His will for their good. Amen. I warn you about the evil plans of Satan, who, through the Pentarchy he controls, will bring darkness and wreak havoc on mankind until the arrival of the false satanic Messiah. I ask everyone to practice the heartfelt prayer as the only proven solution in heaven, to weaken or even nullify many possibilities and effects of the executors of Lucifer's decisions, who intend to destroy the world. The whole of mankind before it is time to see the "abomination of desolation" will go through three phases of the last three great kingdoms. They will be short but unique in their destructive power and implementation. These three kingdoms will be: the Kingdom of the Bear (Russia), the Kingdom of the Dragon (China), the Kingdom of the Serpent (the antichrist, the false Messiah). The Bear Kingdom - which will be ruled by Russia and will be followed by strong states, with great success in the economy and the army, will try to change borders worldwide, through wars or diplomatic mergers. The conflicts artistically realized and programmed by the great powers, through the insightful diplomacy of the European Union and America, will push some states to clash with dubious problems with disastrous results, which will favor the appearance on the world stage of the Bear Kingdom (Russia). In spectacular response, Russia will see this nonsense of heads of state, convinced by those who are supposed to be allies but cunning, and will use it for its own projects. The total destruction of the surrounding nations will follow. Then there are the fact that some states will disappear from the map. Let the northern states not rest from apparent economic prosperity and neutral relations in the already projected war. The folly of the leaders of the countries will be the cause of their destruction. A surprising disaster of great magnitude will create terror and fear worldwide and will appear in the next stage. Northern Member States, Finland, Norway, Sweden, you have left your heart to leave the true God, whom you honor only with your lips, and you have remained spiritually unmoved. Let the parental embrace and love of God cover you with Satan who hates you and wants to hurt you. If you return to the benevolent heart of God with compassion and true repentance, you will have nothing to fear. If you have neglected and ridiculed His divine calling and want to expose yourself to the wiles of Satan, then you will soon see what a bad choice you have made and how humble you will be. The Bear Kingdom is ready to crush you. Some of you - irreparable. Ukraine, do you not see how the multitude of your saints bear holy witness, weep and pray for you? You question the true faith, leaving a hypocritical layman from the Frankish dynasty to divide you? The Orthodox faith, the holy life of the martyrs and the pious have blessed your land, and now a real enemy of every human being has come upon you, who wants to hurt you fatally. If you could see your saints begging for God's mercy (for you), you would kneel with them and pray with repentance and humility for your salvation. (I stop to think how many will receive this message, and the chain of prayer will increase and prevent the greatest evil). The bad news is that it will be an act of destruction in another state close to Russia, because of the selfishness and arrogance of the leaders. Georgia is a troubled state. It's like a mouse that wants to fight the bear. Think of truth and wisdom. You can't cry for a state that creates its own problems. Those who want to oppose the Bear and its cause will be sorry for them. Woe to those who dare to say something to him, because then they will lose their existence. This is another state that will disappear from the map. The power of the Bear will peak so much that fear and terror around the world will increase. And Persia (Iran) will suffer after Turkey first disintegrates in a unique and pathetic way. Dragon Kingdom - The Devil King will be the leader of this kingdom in China. A faithful ally in principle with Russia, he will exploit the relationship with it and gain too much in these stages, and will rise to the level of great power in the future. China will take advantage of Japan's incurable wounds to establish step by step military future dominance throughout the region. He will not hesitate to betray his friendship with Russia and to contribute to the upward and destructive spiral. Until then, however, he will secretly hide his intentions and cleverly exploit his friendly embrace of Russia. China is now spreading almost everywhere, almost everywhere in the world. It started with the economy as a first step, flooding the world with goods, in order to reach the global military field with the Bear. When this is done, it will not take long for them to manifest their own expansionist ambitions. Absolute fear and anxiety will reign in the world. In a divided and destroyed world, it will hotly impose atheistic steel beliefs, which require absolute obedience and implementation. The red dragon's hot breath will be felt in both Europe and America. They will suffer greatly. As a result, it will also conquer with a terrible communist methodology and make people groan and suffer. Christians will experience the worst persecution of the evil dragon; the role of this kingdom, I could in a word describe it as a nightmare. Woe to those people whose lives are not inclined to the divine heart of our sweet Lord Jesus Christ. Humans will behave like robots after dictation and state mandates and will have no more rights than pets. Life and death will have no value to man. This will be the satanic ideology of this kingdom. These two kingdoms (Bear and Dragon) will be almost simultaneous, but will cause major upheavals worldwide. They will stigmatize their presence by reacting nuclear. Peace will disappear, plague and famine will bring great calamity worldwide. The Kingdom of the Serpent - The last kingdom in human history will make known to us the "abomination of desolation." Satan, with the same poison of illusion, will use man, the beautiful creation of God, to destroy the leaders of the nations whom he has raised to power, after which all mankind will be subdued under the son of darkness, under the antichrist. The reign of this serpent will be unique in the history of human life. All the kingdoms of the world have hitherto wished to subdue the earth, the material part of man. The Kingdom of the Serpent, however, will attack and will want to subdue both the soul and the body of man. And matter, and spirit. Therefore, the methods used for this purpose will be unique in their own way, with the most perfect power of technology and nanotechnology. The antichrist leader will have the power and authority to physically and mentally control every human being. He will convince all people, those who have survived the experiences of war and nightmare in every state of the world and experienced the terrible agony of survival due to lack of food and water, that he is only a prince of peace, "the true Messiah." It will force him to accept him as the only king in the world. This will happen when it causes everyone to accept the chip with the code numbers. With this ultra-nanotechnology chip you will be able to see and control the crowd almost entirely. For the third and last leader of the kingdoms it was prophesied that he would be the son of darkness. Everything around us is ready and the prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled. Mankind, exhausted by the plague, famine and war, will find it impossible to resist. Taking the truth out of the gospel (changing the original Bible text) will lead to swift action to embrace this leader and hasten the Last Judgment. The new global government will become stronger and more obviously imprinted in the consciousness of all mankind. Even wars against him will be used fraudulently and cunningly. The darkness that surrounds the light of conscience does not allow people to easily see what is approaching, and the human soul is irreparably wounded. Even people who are supposed to be spiritual speak only reassuringly (about these events), disregarding the true spiritual Fathers (the prophecies and precepts of the Holy Fathers and other great Fathers of the Church), who have the role of awakening. The current period is one of the most dramatic in humanity. The appearance of the son of darkness, of the antichrist, is imminent. Field puppets around the world, as well as leaders of nations, are constantly working for the coming of the antichrist. Through all kinds of strategies, through the media, we work on the preparation and global awareness of the need for the coming of the antichrist (for the antichrist to be accepted by all). Even wars against kingdoms will be used for global domination. The only way for Christians to resist our weapons is the Mysteries of our Church. The mystery of confession is our shield. The prayer of the heart, with full confidence in God - our power. The Eucharist (Communion) - the final antidote to evil psychosomatic interventions. May the power of our prayer chain increase. Let's turn it into a global prayer chain. Let us make strong spiritual bases with our prayers, which will terrify and discourage the works of darkness. The prayers of God's faithful children can be a factor in mitigating or eliminating the consequences of global military events. Our souls and hearts can be relied upon with complete trust in God (as infants in the arms of our Heavenly Father). The love and mercy of the true Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, is so great and endless that we need not fear that we will not receive it. We believe in His Sacrifice and the grace of the Holy Spirit that surrounds us with bright light, and that will drive away the darkness from our souls, will clothe us with life power. Blessed are those who, in the spiritual deception that will rule the world, more and more they will believe in our sweet Jesus Christ and confess to Him that He really is, "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." The fear that they will have no peace and suffer from hunger will dominate the people. But above all, none of us should forget that from this passing life we ​​will go to our real home - in heaven, because there is the Kingdom of Heaven, made by God for us. And now, friends and brethren, let us unite with absolute confidence in God and our King, for the holy work of prayer, that we may weaken the work of Satan. God always listens to His children who do His will for their good. Amen. Father Elpidios Vagianakis, March 27, 2014 - Adapted from the orthodox eagle "The fear that they will not have peace and will suffer from hunger will dominate the people. But above all, none of us should forget that from this passing life we ​​will go to our real home - in heaven, because there is the Kingdom of Heaven, made by God for us. And now, friends and brethren, let us unite with absolute confidence in God and our King, for the holy work of prayer, that we may weaken the work of Satan. God always listens to His children who do His will for their good. Amen. Father Elpidios Vagianakis, March 27, 2014 - Adapted from the orthodox eagle "The fear that they will not have peace and will suffer from hunger will dominate the people. But above all, none of us should forget that from this passing life we ​​will go to our real home - in heaven, because there is the Kingdom of Heaven, made by God for us. And now, friends and brethren, let us unite with absolute confidence in God and our King, for the holy work of prayer, that we may weaken the work of Satan. God always listens to His children who do His will for their good. Amen. Father Elpidios Vagianakis, March 27, 2014 - Adapted from the orthodox eagle And now, friends and brethren, let us unite with absolute confidence in God and our King, for the holy work of prayer, that we may weaken the work of Satan. God always listens to His children who do His will for their good. Amen. Father Elpidios Vagianakis, March 27, 2014 - Adapted from the orthodox eagle And now, friends and brethren, let us unite with absolute confidence in God and our King, for the holy work of prayer, that we may weaken the work of Satan. God always listens to His children who do His will for their good. Amen. Father Elpidios Vagianakis, March 27, 2014 - Adapted from the orthodox eagle

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