marți, 31 octombrie 2023

Belagines laws

 Count Inoppucciato Belagines laws commented

1. Beyond the flow of time and

the contemplation of the gods, is the Living and Eternal Fire, from
which all things come and through which all things exist
are. Everything and nothingness are His breath, emptiness and
the full are His hands, movement and stillness
are His feet, nowhere and everywhere is
His midst, and His image is light. Nothing no
it is made without light and everything that comes from light
comes to life and takes flesh.

Comment: What does the flow of time mean?

From the beginning of human civilization the sages

Masters asked themselves the question What is time? Of course

that they found the interpretation that science today

modern discovered it thanks to technology

modern. Time is rendered by the movement of a point

to another point. If we extend this law

astrophysics at the level of the entire universe, which can be

considered a finite or infinite set of points, and

they are moving relative to each other

permanently, then we can understand that this very

motion determines what we mean by time and

especially its flow.

The thinking of the gods to which the first law refers

belagine may have the meaning of

the reality that the universe is coordinated by the Gods,

rather, by cosmic consciences that,

in their thinking – that is, in their thinking they order




everything in this universe. But beyond time, and

these cosmic consciences without any doubt

Zamolxe tells us that there is the living and eternal fire.

What can this fire be? Asian teachings, especially

the Tibetan and Buddhist, they call it the Agny fire, the fire

Divine that fuels all spirits. This Fire

Divine-the living and eternal fire is the very being

Supreme that we call the creator.

Everything and nothing, as concepts that signify the

two extreme representations of the Creator, the

it is also found in Buddhist esotericism, in the same form,

as well as in Egyptian Hermeticism left by

Hermes the Trismegist as a teaching for the sacerdotes

Egyptians. Everything and nothing comes from

the same source for everything, even if it includes everything

What is it – this being another given name

To the creator, however, nothing should be interpreted as

being something that does not exist, but is the vacuum about which

modern science comments that the percentage of

about 20% of what exists in the universe and

which is not visible-that is, dark matter. What

it means that everything and nothing is the breath

The creator, and the void and the full are his hands,

movement and stillness-his legs? Blowing

means in the acceptance of the ancient initiatic science even

that force that causes all things to be put into

movement, and in relation to beings – causes them to

be enlivened. If we thought in a way

simplistic to what blowing means, let's imagine

how we blow into a balloon that expands, or

we draw air and blow epste anniversary candles from

cake. The balloon inflates, and the flames of the candles



sting due to a stream of air – this being

unseen energy, which interrupts their combustion from the wick.

Everything represents everything that exists as forms and energies

in the universe, from quantum particles to

clusters of galaxies, all that exists being animated and

put in motion by this Breath of the creator. But what is it

actually this breath? It is an intelligent force that

being present in creation, therefore also in man, ensures

maintaining life. So we can say that the breath

Life maintains everything and that both everything and nothing,

they are driven by this Breath of life, it can

be understood as a live Current-better times put,

the Creator is constantly on the move everywhere.

Emptiness and fullness can also be interpreted as Yin -

the void, and like the Yang-full. For example in medicine

Chinese it is known that man also possesses

hollow internal organs – such as lungs and

stomach and full organs such as the liver and

heart. What does it mean that the hollow and PLN are the hands

The creator, as the most Wise tells us

Zamolxe? Hands are the ones that always meet a

modeling work, right? And then we give

for example, if we eat something, the bowl

food is first formed in the stomach, which is

an organ of the Yin type, therefore empty, after which it passes into

the digestive process to the liver, which filters being a

Oragm Yang respectively full. But let's expand

things even more, placing the gap and the fill on the level

cosmic, and we can talk about black holes that

absorb everything as well as about white holes –

discovered by astrophysicists in recent decades, and

which expel matter and energy from them. From



astronomers ' research found that both holes

nerge, as well as white ones, behave like factors

modeling in those areas of the universe where they

there is. Also planets being full bodies,

so Yang, is formed in relation to the interaction

their, as matter, with the outer space in which they exist,

this outer space being the void in which bodies

heavenly ones live their lives spinning. Interaction

between the body of the planets and outer space produces

what we call atmosphere, so the work that is done.

From such a perspective the movement and

stillness – which are shown as the legs

The creator-The Living Fire, are displayed here as two

complementary factors acting together

produce the phenomena of appearance and disappearance of all

forms. For what moves acts on a

which doesn't move. A handy example is

solar energy moving through space arrives

on Earth – what does not move (from its orbit)

but it spins as a body of solid matter,

producing what we might call walking or

evolution of the Earth.

Everywhere and nowhere being the center of the creator –

that is, that means of his, The Center, he being all that

It reminds us of his lyrics

Eminescu:"...that moving point, much weaker

like the grain of foam, he is the boundless master over

I have the world..."It is obvious that Eminescu

it referred not only to the earthly world, but to

The World Of The Universe. And modern science has more

there is also a truth about this, that

there is an ordering Intelligence, which acts



at any point in this universe. From this point

Zamolxe's view tells us that this Creator is

even light, but here we must not interpret as

being only the light that we can see with our eyes, but

and light as Love, cohesion, knowledge,

Reality, Truth, What Exists. And if the light

it is the face of the creator, then from Zamolxe we will

understand that this face does not mean a face, as

we have a face by which we recognize each other,

but it has a face, that is, an appearance, better to say a

Reality of what he is. Reading wisdom

left by Zamolxe with regard to this phrase, that

Light is the face of the Creator, we actually understand that

Light is the reality that means to be, otherwise

said Life is the face under which it presents itself everywhere

in the universe The Creator.

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